Principals Melissa and Martin Thoma write, speak, blog and consult frequently on the topic of living your brand. Included here are recent and upcoming speaking engagements and how to get a signed copy of their books for your own shelf. May we present, our Brand Leadership books and talks.
Branding Like the Big Boys [First Edition].
Available for $15.99 on, and complimentary here for representatives of qualified organizations.
Build a powerful brand. No matter your company size.
Get a copy of Martin Thoma’s Branding Like the Big Boys.
Here’s what readers have to say about Branding Like the Big Boys …
Lynn Parker, Principal GreenRubino, Seattle
“In Branding Like the Big Boys, Martin Thoma has brought the key ideas behind strong brands to those who need it most: small businesses. His book is both simple and powerful, a difficult feat to pull off. This is must-reading for any organization looking for that edge over the competition.”
Lynn Parker, Principal
GreenRubino, Seattle
Ed Bashaw, Ph.D. Dean, College of Business Arkansas Tech University
“Branding Like the Big Boys is genuine, friendly, informative, and discerning. Martin has put into this book the great ideas and executions for anybody to build their brand. While this book speaks to ‘big boys’ and ‘small boys’ alike, this will go in the library we keep for our small business clients.”
Ed Bashaw, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Business
Arkansas Tech University
Steve Hoeffler, Associate Professor of Marketing Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University
“Branding Like the Big Boys includes lots of proven ideas that small business owners can use to help them implement successful branding initiatives. It’s loaded with clear, concise ideas and examples that allow small business owners to harness the power of branding.”
Steve Hoeffler, Associate Professor of Marketing
Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University
The Business of Marriage. Coming Soon!
The Business of Marriage, Melissa’s first book, explores relationship lessons learned in 30 years of entrepreneurship with her husband, Martin. Built on several years of columns first written for, the book explores how certain business skills — like planning, communication, conflict resolution, time management and meeting protocol — can deliver fantastic results in relationships. Sign up below to be alerted as soon as Melissa’s book is available.
Want to know when you can get your hands on a copy of The Business of Marriage?
Guest Articles
Brand Inciter: ‘Brand’ Is A Process, Not A Thing
Talk Business & Politics – 07.07.2015
When a word means something different to every person who uses it, the word essentially means nothing at all. That’s the plight of “brand” and “branding” these days.
Rise of the ‘Purpose Economy’
Arkansas Business Commentary – 06.15.2015
Trend spotters note a new economy in the making: the “purpose economy.”
They argue that just as the industrial economy supplanted the agrarian economy and then was itself supplanted by the information economy, a new megatrend is producing entirely new ways of organizing businesses and producing value.
Brand Inciter: Startups Need Brand Strategy, Now
Talk Business & Politics – 06.03.15
There’s tremendous startup activity in Arkansas. In the northwest, the Walmart-fueled economy is generating dozens of shopper marketing services and tech companies every year. UAF researchers are producing innovative science and technology spin-offs. In Central Arkansas, UAMS Bioventures, the UALR Nanotechnology Center and Innovate Arkansas are spawning new enterprises. Incubators are incubating and venture capital keeps forming; the state may need to go back to its retired slogan, “the land of opportunity.”
Past Talks
2015 Breakthrough Solutions Pre-Conference Workshop
Wyndham Riverfront Hotel
Sponsored by the University of Arkansas Extension Service, the 2015 Breakthrough Solutions Pre-Conference Workshop was a working session for community leaders to learn how to create and fully utilize an economic development brand for their community.
Martin presented frameworks for branding and led participants through one of the two planning workshops.
Marketing and Branding Your Community
Arkansas Community Development Society Pre-Conference Workshop
University of Central Arkansas
Community Branding: Tips, Tools, Techniques and Targets